PWA vs. Native Apps Evaluating the Pros and Cons of PWA App Builders

There were approximately 2.2 billion app downloads in 2022, and some previous years have seen even higher numbers.

The popularity of apps has exploded, and with advancements in technology, the way they work has changed. The traditional apps that we all know well are known as native apps, but there are other modern alternatives. One type that’s quickly gaining traction is PWAs.

So what is a PWA, and how does it differ from a native app? Keep reading to find out.

What Are Native Apps?

A native app is one that’s built for a specific operating system like Android or iOS. These are generally coded using the native programming language of the platform they’re being made for.

When developing a native app, it’s done with a particular platform in mind. Such apps can take full advantage of the hardware and software features of a device, resulting in high-level performance. Some popular native apps are WhatsApp, Facebook, and Snapchat.

What Are PWAs?

PWAs (progressive web apps) are developed using web platform technologies. Rather than running on a specific operating system, these apps run through compatible web platforms. As such, they’ll work on any device that has such a web platform installed.

Despite this difference in design, they can still offer a very similar experience to native apps. It’s worth noting that users can also download web apps to their devices so that they can use them offline. Some popular web application examples include Twitter Lite, Telegram, Pinterest, and Spotify.

Benefits of PWA App Builders

PWA app builders can make the entire app development process significantly easier. Using traditional methods, creating either a native app or a PWA can be incredibly complicated. It takes a lot of technical skill, and will often require a team to build the entire app.

Using an app builder like the one offered by eliminates such issues. You can take an app from the idea stage all the way to the final product, and you won’t need to do a single bit of coding.

All you need is to have a good idea of how you want your app to function. You can let us know what it will do, and tell us any specific features that you want it to have. Our team will then be able to create the perfect solution for you.

A PWA can operate on a huge number of devices. This will give you excellent reach, and you can offer a quality customer experience.

Drawbacks of PWA App Builders

PWAs do have some drawbacks when compared to native apps. For example, they can’t take advantage of the hardware and software of specific devices. This can limit their capabilities.

They also typically load slower as they load through the internet rather than directly from the device. The security may also be a concern, as they have a higher risk of security breaches than native apps.

Should You Use a PWA App Builder?

You need to think about your needs to determine whether you should build a PWA or a native app. Consider user devices, performance, and security to decide which is best.

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