How to Make a Stick in Minecraft | Best 5 Ways

Well, in the game Minecraft there are many kinds of material that you can use for crafting. One of these materials is wood. Among various kinds of woods like oak, birch, spruce and jungle trees you will find Stick in the Tree category.

The term “Stick” in Minecraft may refer to any one of three similar-looking items: The Wooden Sword (the only sword available at the beginning), the Wooden Shovel, or the Wooden Pickaxe (Wooden Axe). All three resemble sticks with a small triangular arrowhead at one end. These tools are completely useless by themselves; they cannot be used to gather any resources except Saplings, which can be planted on Dirt Blocks. They take 10 seconds to gather items when using the held item in the dominant hand.

The Wooden Sword, Shovel, and Axe can be used as weapons. The Wooden Sword inflicts 2 points of damage, while the Shovel and Axe inflict 3  points of damage. Damage is increased by 1 point for each level of enchanting the weapon has. These tools can also be enchanted with Feather Falling I-III, Respiration I-III, Aqua Affinity I-II, and Depth Strider III to increase their defensive capabilities underwater or in lava.

In creative mode, sticks are used to make fences, doors, signposts and tripwire hooks.

How to Make a Stick in Minecraft

There are many ways to make a stick in Minecraft. The top 5 ways are mentioned below.

1 – Craft a Wooden Sword

Step 1 – Get some wood blocks.

You will need three pieces of wood from tree leaves, stems, trunks or roots. Make a crafting table with four wooden planks of the same type. In the table, there is a third square where you can put items to create an object. Click on it and choose the Wooden Sword option.

Step 2 – Cook image into your mind

A menu will appear asking for material, here you should click on sticks. That’s important because this is what you have at hand right now and without it, nothing can be done in Minecraft.

In the next square below select how many items you want to craft by dragging the mouse or clicking on numbers from 1-8 or just simply pressing Enter. Then click on Craft, a new menu will appear.

Step 3 – Activate your crafting table

The new menu will have the picture of your wooden sword, here you should press Use Item on it and activate it. After you pressed the right button the Wooden Sword will be available for use. Just go into creative mode and equip it to kill some mobs or just play around with it as long as you want because the durability of this sword is infinite. Of course, if you die, lose too much health from creepers explosion or simply used it very often then after some time this stick will break down and become useless, but until that happens you can make a fortune slaying monsters.

2 – Create a shovel out of sticks

In creative mode, you can also use sticks to make a shovel. The recipe is the same as for the sword but with a stick in the middle of the crafting table instead.

3 – Get a pickaxe out of sticks

The recipe for the Wooden Pickaxe is two sticks in the middle row and one in the bottom row like this:

4 – Make fences and other objects

Sticks can be used to make fences, doors, signposts and tripwire hooks. To make fences, place four sticks in a square on the crafting table. The sticks will turn into fence posts. Fence gates can be made by placing two fence posts adjacent to each other on the crafting table. For signs, place one stick in the middlebox and one in the bottom box. For a tripwire hook, place two sticks on the crafting table where it says “Tripwire Hooks.”

5 – Get some wood saplings to grow trees

Saplings are an item that grows into trees. They can be used to create new forests, or just to decorate your house. They look like bushes with white dots on them. There are thirteen different kinds of tree saplings. You can get tree saplings by breaking tall grass or by finding woodland mansions, which are huge houses filled with different types of hostile mobs. The easiest way though is probably killing oak, birch or jungle trees that spawn in the plains biome. To break these special types of trees you need an axe, but don’t worry because it will not take away your sticks.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1 – How can I craft a stick in survival mode?

There are many ways to make a stick in Minecraft. The top 5 ways are mentioned above.

2 – What is the best way to get sticks?

To create sticks you need either one wooden log or two wooden planks which you can get by cutting down trees, but the easiest way is probably killing oak, birch or jungle trees that spawn in the plains biome. To break these special types of trees you need an axe, but don’t worry because it will not take away your sticks.

3 – Is there any better way to use sticks than crafting them into fences and other objects?

Yes just equip the stick to increase your self-defence. You can also throw this weapon to hit the enemy from a distance.

4 – How many sticks can I get from one tree?

It depends on the size of the tree, but usually, you can get around 3-5 sticks.

5 – Can I use sticks to make tools and weapons in creative mode?

Yes, you can use sticks to make any type of tool or weapon in creative mode. Just place the required number of sticks on the crafting table and follow the recipe.


Sticks are a very important part of Minecraft because they can be used to make many different objects. The most popular use for sticks is making fences, but you can also make tools, weapons and other objects. In creative mode, you can also use sticks to create any type of tool or weapon. So next time you are in Creative Mode, try using sticks to make some cool new objects. You never know what you might come up with.


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