6 Mirror Selfie Poses That You Must Try

Are you tired of taking selfies with your front-facing camera for selfies? Instead of taking selfies with your front-facing camera, try taking a mirror selfie!

Since many years, selfies have been a popular trend on social media. It’s difficult to find a unique pose or composition among the sea of people who upload photos of themselves every day.

Mirror selfies aren’t a new concept. However, it adds an interesting dimension to self-portraits. It will also make users look twice before scrolling.

We’ll discuss in this article why you should turn the camera on a mirror and give you tips and poses to try.

Why not take Selfies in the Mirror

Mirror selfies were popular before smartphones had front-facing cameras. Fashionistas who showcased their outfits online in the 2000s made mirror selfies very popular.

Mirror selfies are still a great way to showcase an outfit. However, many people outside of fashion have adopted this method.

Mirror selfies are a popular choice overturning the camera toward yourself. You can take full-body photos. You also have more freedom with poses than in regular selfies, which are usually cut at the upper part.

Because mirrors are interesting entities, they can add artistic elements to your photo. Mirrors are like taking a photograph with someone else. You have more elements to work within your composition, much like a photoshoot.

How to take a good mirror selfie

There are no universal guidelines for taking a great mirror selfie. Each one will have its own setup and requirements. If you pay attention, there are some guidelines that will help you get better results.

Get Good Lighting

Lighting is an important element of any photo. The hue of the golden hour is best for selfies. Mirrors reflect light so you can be creative with lighting conditions.

To create interesting shadows against the background of the mirror, move a lampshade. You can also use the flash to create your lens flare.

Play with Angles

A mirror allows you to have greater freedom in angles than regular selfies. It’s a good idea to aim the shutter parallel to it so that you can focus on what you are trying to capture. You can adjust the angles and proportions of the mirror by tilting your phone or the mirror slightly.

If you are looking to showcase an outfit, for example, keep your phone straight up and close to your waist. This will give you realistic proportions. You can lengthen your legs by tilting the mirror slightly up. When taking a headshot of yourself, place the phone parallel to your face. Your upper body will look slimmer if you tilt the phone down.

Remember the background

Mirror selfies are often taken in bathrooms and bedrooms. You can make your bed if you like the look. If you want to show off your designer handbag, a messy background will not make it look high fashion.

Try these Mirror Selfie Poses

Mirror selfies are like taking your own photos. There are many poses you could try. Let’s take a look at some of our most memorable.

1. Stay close to the floor

It’s a pose that influencers such as Kylie Jenner have seen. You will look strong and relaxed while maintaining a straight posture for your phone. You can do it in a variety of ways: you can twist your body to one side, extend one leg, or flip your body around so that you snap it from the back.

You can also plop down completely on the ground. For a more composed look, cross your legs or straighten them and lean back on one side. For these selfies, you will need a mirror that touches both the floor and your legs.

2. The Shoefie

Although you might not have heard the term “shoefie”, it is something that you may have seen on Instagram. It’s basically a photo of your shoes. Shoesfies are often limited to the lower legs, but you can still focus on your shoes if you get the angle right.

Freestanding mirrors are best for this, as you can place it against a wall. Take a few photos while you stand in front of the mirror. Mirrors that are vertically fixed can be used to do squats or sitting poses with your legs extended. You can also use a chair or a chair.

3. Images of Wing Mirrors

Although car selfies are not new, why not be creative and include the side mirror?

Although the small area doesn’t allow for much creativity, it forces you to focus on your face. This results in a simple and clean photo. If the car is moving, you can get a natural blur effect.

4. Protect Your Face

Your face will be more visible if you cover it with your phone. This will draw attention to your clothes and your composure. This trick is great for people who aren’t confident enough to take photos or feel ready to use the camera. To ensure that the screen isn’t blocking what you want, hold the phone parallel to your face.

5. The Mirror is Outside

Take a smaller, freestanding mirror outside if you have one. You can either place it against a wall or on the ground and then stand over it.

These photos will make your lower body appear larger, giving you a superhero-like pose. Natural sunlight can be a great source of energy. You can even experiment with silhouettes and lens flare.

6. Frame the Mirror

Framing the mirror is a unique way to take mirror selfies. You can use this technique with both fixed and freestanding mirrors.

Take a mirror selfie from a distance that is not normal. Make sure you are able to see the whole mirror. Adjust the distance and angle to determine how much back medium you wish to include in your shot. The mirror will be framed in the final shot.

Mirror Selfies to Win

You can only take one selfie. But if you have a mirror, you have a lot more angles, poses and elements. You can spice up your selfies by looking at a mirror.

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