13 Reasons the iPhone Sucks

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There is no perfect phone. Every phone is a compromise, and there are always tradeoffs to be made.

In full transparency, I have an iPhone, Macbook Pro, and Apple Watch. For almost a decade, I have been using Apple products.

It’s obvious that I love Apple and the iPhone.

However, all those years of iPhone users have taught me to keep track of everything that is, quite frankly, utterly disgusting.

What’s Wrong with the iPhone: 13 Reasons

1) Phone cost

Apple’s reputation and brand have enabled them to charge very high prices for its phones for a long period of time.

Apple actually has the highest profit margins of any smartphone manufacturer. Their “budget phones”, however, are quite expensive. They are so expensive that it is prohibitively expensive for most people around the world.

India has over 500 million smartphone owners but only 2% of them have iPhones.

It’s a shame that companies make phones that are too expensive for the majority of the people on the planet.

It’s true, we live in capitalist societies. And don’t get me wrong, I love capitalism. Apple doesn’t have an affordable iPhone option. Really?

It’s not something I would buy.

They are protecting their brand and image and a cheap phone would damage that image (in their eyes).

2) The walled Garden

You’re likely to have heard the term “walled garden” at least once if you work in technology. This simply refers to an ecosystem of products.

The iPhone and Apple more generally are closed gardens. There are many ways in but very few ways out.

The first step on your journey to the Apple walled Garden is always a piece of hardware. You may have started out with an iPhone, but you then bought an Apple Watch or AirPods because they are so compatible.

You get a MacBook Pro later, for work. Now you are locked in Apple’s prison.

The key to Apple’s ability to keep them trapped is not their hardware. It’s their software, iOS, macOS, To prevent this problem, you can clear storage on iPhone and iPadOS.

All of them have Apple-only functions that tie them together. This makes them difficult to use with other Apple products.

These are just a few of the Apple-only features.

  • iCloud
  • AirDrop
  • AirPlay
  • iMessage
  • Apple App Store

They call it a walled garden because they think gardens are beautiful. You never know, you might be content to stay inside. Many Apple loyalists are.

3) Cables

For years, the adoption of USB-C standards has been growing in popularity.

It is incredible to have a common interface for your devices because almost all your devices could be charged with the same cable.

Although USB-C is gaining popularity, the iPhone still uses a Lightning connector.

I don’t mean to be negative, but the Lighting connector was better than USB mico-B in the past. It can handle more power and is reversible.

However, USB-C has closed the gap and even overtaken Lighting with greater features and faster data transfer speeds.

It’s bizarre and embarrassing that iPhones can’t use USB C chargers. You can’t plug your iPhone into a Macbook Pro out of the box if you have one. That’s silly.

All Apple products can now use one charger for the first time in history. No.

Don’t get me started about all the attachments and dongles Apple sells. It’s incredible that I haven’t lost any of them yet.

4) Headphone jack

You know what? There is no headphone jack on the iPhone.

Let’s face it, I understand that Bluetooth headphones are now wireless/Bluetooth. However, a lot of other phones have also removed this feature.

I don’t know if I’m old-fashioned, but I loved the option to use an old pair with my iPhone.

My AirPods will not charge at all times and I need regular headphones. To do this, I need to use the iPhone Lighting adapter.

The worst? The Lighting dongle doesn’t allow you to simultaneously charge your iPhone and listen to music.

This is unless you purchase another type of adaptor. It’s a joke.

5) Bloatware

Bloatware can come in many forms but is for the iPhone. It comes in the form of countless, ineffective, pre-installed applications.

If you think that the Android preinstalled apps situation is worse than it actually is, what do you think about this iPhone app list? Game Center

  1. Notes
  2. Notifications
  3. Videos
  4. Stocks
  5. Music
  6. Settings
  7. Camera
  8. Weather
  9. Calculator
  10. App Store
  11. Newsstand
  12. Voice Memos
  13. iTunes
  14. Clock
  15. Calendar
  16. Passbook
  17. Mail
  18. Messages
  19. Safari
  20. Telefon
  21. Maps
  22. Photos
  23. Compass
  24. Contacts

Although I admit that I use many of these programs, over half of them I delete or put in a TRASH folder.

Apple is fond of creating their own versions of almost everything and then imposing their version as the default systemwide.

It is annoying and a bit of a pain.

6) RAM

RAM (random access memory), is the amount of memory that your phone has.

Apple iPhones don’t have as much memory as their rivals.

An argument you could use to counter this is that iPhones don’t require much RAM, since all apps and tools are optimized specifically for iOS.

Apple ensures that all apps you download from the App Store are optimized for iPhone.

Compare that to Android and all the apps you have. It is easy to see why Android phones require more memory.

This brings us back to the closed ecosystem and the locked garden Apple has created. Your phone could be capable of more if they removed some of the walls and provided enough memory to allow you to run apps from other sources.

It’s almost like the chicken and the egg. The walls are up so the iPhone doesn’t require RAM. However, if the iPhone had more RAM, the walls could begin to fall.

7) Repair costs

It is not surprising that a phone can be expensive to repair or replace if it stops working.

It’s not surprising that an iPhone can be quite expensive if it needs to be repaired.

Apple offers AppleCare and AppleCare+, but it is difficult to know if the extra monthly cost is worth it .

Are you someone who frequently loses or cracks their phone?

AppleCare, however, is another bill that Apple must collect for responsible people.

8) Customization

When it comes to customization, the iPhone has always been behind. It took the iPhone until 2020 (iOS14) to improve in this area.

You couldn’t pick a default web browser or email client before then. Apple had Safari set as the default browser and you couldn’t do anything about it.

With the 2020 iOS 14 updates, widgets were introduced. This allows users to create custom widgets as well as widget artwork. You were used to sticking with the default look and feel of the iPhone.

It’s great to be able to do basic customizations on your iPhone without jailbreaking it. The iPhone has much to learn.

iPhone apps are limited to a grid layout. Android allows you to place apps in patterns or wherever you like.

Then there are Android launchers. These apps allow you to change the way you interact with your home screen. These apps allow you to customize nearly every aspect of your phone’s appearance and behavior.

The iPhone offers nothing even remotely similar.

9) User interface

This one is a little too ambitious, I admit. I personally love MOST of what the iPhone’s UI has to offer.

However, I have some bones to pick.

Are you ever on a phone call with your iPhone, and another call comes in? This is what you see:

This message will not give you any idea about how many photos must be deleted or how much data you need to make the photo possible.

What happens when you hit “Done?” This is where “Done” becomes confusing for some people.

These are not difficult problems to fix, but Apple seems content with the way they are.

10 Settings

It could be an issue with me, but I have always felt that the iPhone could make setting up settings much easier.

It is frustrating to have to search for the Settings app each time I need to modify my Bluetooth settings.

All you need to do on an Android is to swipe down on your home screen and click Bluetooth to bring you to the Bluetooth settings.

This is the only way to turn Bluetooth on or off on an iPhone. To access the Bluetooth settings, you will need to open the Settings app. Then go to Bluetooth and follow the instructions.

The same goes for WiFi settings.

It’s not a major dealbreaker, but it seems like Apple could make another simple change that requires less effort from the end-user.

11) Desktop interaction

An Android acts just like any other USB flash drive or USB device when it is plugged into a computer.

It is possible to use a drag-and-drop interface to access the onboard and external memory.

The iPhone must interact with the desktop via intermediary software (mainly iTunes).

You could use an iPhone for many years without needing to use iTunes.

However, if you need to connect your iPhone with your computer for any reason (like to move music from your phone to your computer), then iTunes will be your best friend.

Copying photos from your iPhone onto your computer is one exception.

This is because the iPhone is considered a “read-only” camera by the computer. However, you cannot copy photos from your computer onto your iPhone.

Simple tasks are made more difficult by the iPhone.

12) Slowing down older phones

In 2016-2017, iPhone users complained that their phones were slower on Reddit or other forums.

Many phones were rendered useless by the slowdowns and had to be replaced with new iPhones

Apple finally responded to the complaints. They denied it. They denied it, acting as if they didn’t know what was going on but they promised to investigate.

Apple finally admitted to slowing down older phones after much more public pressure. Their reasoning? “Slowing down processors makes old batteries more efficient after they have lost capacity.”

The public did not buy it and a huge consumer lawsuit was filed. The case was settled by Apple for 500,000,000 USD. They admitted that they had not committed any wrongdoing.

Apple made some improvements to battery management and battery health, as well as turning off iPhone battery throttling.

These stories make it difficult to know if Apple really has the best interest of the customer in mind.

13) Innovation

This is not a unique opinion. Apple is not anymore.

Apple has steady consumer demand for new iterations and improvements to its products.

Every year, it’s all about the next iPhone or iWatch. Many times, however, the launch of new features and add-ons is not always a worthy endeavor.

I believe that Apple has become a victim of its success.


The iPhone is a huge success because of the combination of hardware and software that creates an experience that has won the hearts of millions.

Every piece of technology comes with its limitations, and the iPhone is no exception.

The iPhone is a phone I have used for more than ten years.

  1. Phone costs are high
  2. Apple’s walled Garden
  3. Many useless cables
  4. Manufactured without a headphone jack
  5. Bloatware apps
  6. RAM Low
  7. High repair costs
  8. Inadequacy of customization
  9. The user interface is poor
  10. It is difficult to reach certain settings
  11. Poor desktop interaction
  12. Older phones are slower
  13. Innovation is lacking

The jokes are on me, though. I will continue to use my iPhone for an indefinite time.

I own so many Apple products at this point that it is almost impossible to leave their garden.

What do you find most annoying about the iPhone? Comment below.

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