Windows 10 GPU Hardware Scheduling. Is it Worth It?

Windows 10’s GPU Hardware Scheduling can be a great way to increase your computer’s performance. Microsoft added this feature to the May 2020 update. Since then, many gamers have tested it and found it useful. It might not work on your GPU.

You can learn more about GPU scheduling by reading on.

How does GPU Hardware Scheduling function?

Typically, the Windows Display Driver Model GPU Scheduler handles multiple tasks that are submitted to the GPU. While rendering is done by the GPU, the CPU will plan and send those tasks to it. The CPU will submit batches of commands to make it more efficient.

This technique is known as frame buffering. It increases performance by producing a better framerate. But, this comes with a price: it increases input latency and reduces performance. Therefore, pressing a button won’t have any effect until your CPU sends the new batch of data to the GPU.

Hardware-accelerated GPU scheduling takes some high-priority tasks that you CPU normally manages and passes these to a dedicated GPU-based scheduling processor. This should theoretically reduce input lag while taking some load off the CPU.

Are You Considering Enable GPU Scheduling?

GPU hardware scheduling is worth considering if you have a CPU of low or middle-tier. Particularly if your CPU is unable to handle certain games at 100%.

You can still improve your computer’s performance by upgrading if this feature is not available. Frame buffering can be disabled via either the in-game controls or through the GPU driver panel.

You have the final say. You shouldn’t be surprised if you test it with multiple video games. Microsoft states that there shouldn’t be any noticeable differences in-game. Some positive changes may be noticed in your CPU’s temperature and load.

What are the requirements to enable GPU hardware scheduling?

GPU Hardware Scheduling is now available on a fairly new PC. Windows 10 2004 (or a later version) and a supported GPU must be installed on your machine.

Hardware scheduling is currently only supported by NVidia GPUs at the time this article was written. Both Intel and AMD are actively working to add support for this feature in an update.

Once you are sure that you have a compatible graphics card, you can double-check to make sure your computer has the latest drivers. If all of the above are true, it is time to enable Windows 10’s GPU hardware scheduling feature.

How to Turn on Hardware Scheduling Via Windows Setting

These are the steps to enable GPU hardware scheduling.

  1. Click to start. Next, go to Setting > System.
  2. Choose Display in the left-hand menu
  3. Scroll down to Multiple displays and click Graphics settings.
  4. Turn on the toggle to enable Hardware-accelerated CPU scheduling.
  5. Restart your computer.

How to turn on hardware scheduling using the Registry Editor

If the option is not available in Setting, then you will need to enable it using the Registry editor. Here’s how it works:

  1. Use the Start menu to search for registry edit, and then choose Run in administrator.
  2. Navigate to LOCAL_MACHINE > System > CurrentControlSet > Control > graphicsdrivers.
  3. Locate and Open HwSchMode.
  4. You must ensure the Basis is set Hexadecimal.
  5. Set value data to 2.
  6. To save changes, click OK
  7. Restart your computer.

Give GPU Hardware Scheduling A Try

The GPU hardware acceleration feature of Windows 10 is not available for everyone, but you may be able to test it yourself. This guide will show you how to enable it in the Registry Editor. You can also turn it on from Windows 10 settings.

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