Why Twitch has closed its desktop app, and what you can do instead

Twitch will close its desktop app and invite users to view all content via the browser or mobile application.

Amazon claims the Amazon-owned company doesn’t use the standalone app, and would rather allocate the funds necessary to keep it running in other areas.

What is the Twitch Desktop App:

Twitch announced that its desktop app would be closing down on April 30, 2022. This is not surprising, considering most people stream through a browser.

A lot of people have just discovered Twitch’s desktop application. Some people complain that the app is better than the website.

This app is also standalone, so it doesn’t have all the problems that come with streaming live streams via a browser. Twitch can be launched at startup to make it easier to use the service.

It is easy to see why Twitch users are upset that Chrome has to be used to run large browsers.

Why is Twitch closing down its desktop app?

Twitch informed users that it was discontinuing the Twitch app on desktops after reviewing usage statistics and receiving feedback from the community.

Twitch said that the app’s demise will allow it to invest more in the development and creation of new ways users can interact with creators.


After five years since the launch of the desktop application in March 2017, beta versions for Windows and macOS were released.

What else can you use in place of Twitch Desktop App?

The desktop app for Twitch will be discontinued. The platform can be accessed via browsers, mobile applications and TVs. It’s worth checking out.

Most desktop app users will only rely on their web browsers as they are the only way Mac or PC users can leave.

Twitch works with all browsers including Chrome, Firefox, and Edge.

It’s up to you to decide if these tools are worth the inconveniences of using a browser.

The Twitch Desktop App is gone!

Twitch’s app is ending its days. Twitch will remove the app from the market in April.

You should continue to learn how to grow your audience and possibly monetize your videos.

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