Should You Buy The AED Device

Are you interested in buying an AED and curious about which AED is right for you? AED voordelig supports you in making the right choice by means of professional advice and profitable offers. That is why we have made a clear overview for you below with all the information you need when copping an AED. Do you have any questions about buying your AED? Feel free to communicate with us via discourse or call 088- 2336000. 

 What is an AED? 

 AED is the condensation for Automated External Defibrillator. During a cardiac arrest, a defibrillator can deliver an electric shock to save the victim. Cardiac arrest means that the victim’s heart is fibrillating. Unlike a normal beating heart, during a cardiac arrest, the heart no longer has a cadence and beats irregularly. As a result, the heart can no longer pump blood. 

When resuscitating someone in cardiac arrest, the deliverer ensures that blood is still pumped by giving casket compacting. savers can really use the help of an AED during CPR; using an AED during CPR increases the chance of survival by 70!  

 How do you use an AED? 

In the first numerous beats of CPR, the deliverer will ask if someone can get an AED. The deliverer starts CPR by giving casket compacting. When the AED is on point after numerous beats, it’s placed next to the victim and turned on by pressing the on/ off button. To help the deliverer, each AED will begin by giving voice instructions. The AED will tell you to stick the electrodes on the victim’s bare torso. The electrodes indicate exactly where on the casket they should be applied. After this, the AED will indicate to stop the casket compacting and will start assaying the possible fibrillating heart. When the defibrillator is certain that it’s a fibrillating heart, it will prepare the electric shock. It’s also important that no bone touches the victim. The AED prompts the deliverer to press the Shock button (semi-automatic AEDs only). The AED will now deliver the shock to reset the heart. However, the deliverer will continue CPR and the AED will again indicate when a shock is advised, If the heart is still fibrillating after the shock.  

 Why buy an AED? 

 In the Netherlands, a normal of 45 people per day are affected by cardiac arrest. Good and fast CPR increases the victim’s chance of survival. Using a defibrillator during CPR increases the survival rate by 70! An AED is therefore vital in a cardiac arrest. Below are 5 reasons why you want an AED.  

Every minute counts! disquisition shows that the chance of survival from a cardiac arrest diminishments by 10 every minute. Rapid CPR and the use of an AED increases the survival rate by 70!  

A normal of 45 people per day are affected by cardiac arrest. An estimated, 000 people die each time in the Netherlands as a result of a cardiac arrest, also known as a cardiac arrest. The cause of a circulatory arrest generally lies in the development of ventricular fibrillation, an arrhythmia that results in the heart stopping as a blood pump. An AED ensures that the heart is reset and beats in the correct cadence again. With a civil AED network, the number of deaths due to cardiac arrest will drop sharply.  

bystanders make the difference with an AED. The primary reason CPR fails is because the defibrillation shock comes too late. Bystanders can make a difference by administering a shock with an AED in the first beats of cardiac arrest.  

Cardiac arrest is always unexpected. Cardiac arrest is always unexpected and can affect anyone, anyhow of age or health. In fact, 50% of all victims have no way of having heart problems ahead. An AED in your living and working terrain is therefore necessary!  

Quality of life victim after CPR. Successful CPR in which bystanders have performed CPR with an AED is essential for the victim’s quality of life. A study by the Dutch Heart Foundation into the quality of life after resuscitation shows  

  1. Trouble of brain damage diminishments with rapid-fire- fire deployment of an AED. 
  2. 72 of the victims can return to work after a time. 
  3. 1 time after a cardiac arrest, 50 suffer from fatigue complaints 
  4. 90% of the victims say that it goes well after the resuscitation.  

 Buy AED at AED cheap 

At A voordelig you will get free professional advice from our AED specialists. We help you make the right choice and offer you a complete package with every AED. We believe it’s important that your defibrillator is properly maintained after purchase, which is why we give the periodic conservation service for your AED. Through good contact with the AED manufacturers, we always give you the lowest price guarantee on every AED.  

 What are the differences between AEDs? 

 Price of the AED 

An AED costs about 1000 to 2600 euros. The difference in the price of the AED is in the functions that a defibrillator has and the quality of the AED. It’s also important to consider the future conservation costs of the AED when copping an AED.

 conservation costs

 Each AED requires two pads and a battery. These electrodes and battery must be replaced after a number of times with every AED, because, for illustration, the electrodes no longer stick or the battery is nearly empty. Because replacing the AED electrodes and battery is so important, we recommend that you take out an AED-sure service contract. We will also keep track of whether your AED needs conservation and we will visit you in position to check threAD.However, you don’t have to worry about this, If you take out an AED-sure contract. 

 Semi or fully automatic 

The difference between asemi-automatic and a fully automatic device is that with a semi-automatic device, the AED has a shock button that the deliverer must press in order for the AED to deliver a shock. With a fully automatic device, the AED does not have a shock button and the AED itself checks whether it should deliver a shock and this process of delivering a shock is therefore fully automatic. In the Netherlands, the maturity of AEDs are semi-automatic, because utmost CPR courses are given on a semi-automatic device, which is why semi-automatic is more recognizable for the deliverer. In addition, the deliverer has farther control over the resuscitation, because the deliverer can decide when the shock can be delivered. The advantage of a fully automatic AED is that some people are hysterical or do not dare to deliver a shock, 

 CPR feedback 

The most important thing about CPR is that the oxygen-rich blood of the victim is pumped around, so that all vital organs are supplied with oxygen. In 50 of cases, a shock is recommended after a first heart cadence analysis. In the other cases where there is a non- shockable heart cadence, good CPR( circulating the oxygen-rich blood) is the only thing a deliverer can do to save the victim. AEDs that give CPR feedback support the deliverer in maintaining an applicable depth and rate of casket compacting. This depth and frequency is the most important thing to produce optimal blood gyration and it’s therefore also important that this is done properly from the first moment of the casket compacting. 

AEDs without CPR feedback do not let the deliverer know if the rate and depth of the CPR is correct during CPR. Still, all AEDs use a metronome and voice prompts to help the deliverer during CPR. 

 TV Display 

Just like CPR feedback, a television screen on the AED ensures that the deliverer is supported during the CPR of the victim. The AED displays the CPR instructions on the television screen so that indeed an inexperienced deliverer can perform CPR properly. In noisy terrain, the deliverer may look at the screen if he or she has not understood the AED’s speech instruction. 

 Pediatric Resuscitation 

AEDs are suitable to shock children under 8 years of age with the help of child electrodes, child button/ key. During a pediatric CPR, the shock volume of the AED is shaped and the AED switches to the pediatric CPR protocol 15 casket compacting and 2 breaths. Just like normal AED electrodes, children’s electrodes also have an expiration date, so the children’s electrodes also need to be replaced regularly. The advantage of a child key or child button is that the adult electrodes can be used. This saves the electrode relief costs. In addition, pressing a child button in a stressful situation is faster than replacing the adult electrodes for the child electrodes. 

 Multilingual AED 

In principle, all AEDs are available in Dutch or can also be supplied in another language. But in situations where care providers may not each be Dutch speaking, it may be desirable to conclude for a multilingual AED. 

 IP value AED 

Still, it’s important to look at the AEDs IP standing, If the AED is placed in a fine or sticky terrain. Indeed if the AED will be hung outside in a press, it’s recommended to choose an AED with a minimum IP value of 54. 

  •  IP21 Drip- substantiation 
  •  IP54 Splash- substantiation and dust-free 
  •  IP55 Splash- substantiation and dust-free 
  •  IP56 spare splash- substantiation and dust-free 


 What does an AED cost? 

On average, an AED costs between 1000 and 2000 euros. The price depends on the brand and the various options that the AED offers. It’s also important that you take future relief costs into account when copping 

your AED. The conservation costs differ greatly per AED. It’s therefore a wise choice to also conclude an AED-secure service contract with your defibrillator. 

To calculate how important an AED costs in 10 times, the average continuance of an AED, the Total Cost of Power of the AED is looked at. It’s calculated by adding up the cost of the AED and the relief cost of pads and batteries over 10 times. The Total Cost of Power can differ greatly in proportion to the price of the AED. An AED, for illustration, can be fairly precious when bought, but can still be 10 times greater due to the low relief costs of the electrodes and the battery. That is why it’s important not only to look at the purchase price of the AED, but also at the Total Cost of Power. 

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