How to Create Custom Artwork for Your Spotify Playlists

Spotify playlists are an integral part. The modern mixtape is the place to go, regardless of whether you are an expert in music and want to share it with the world or just make a playlist for your next road trip.

Spotify playlists look even better when you have your own playlist cover photo.

This article will show you how to create your own artwork and find the right Spotify playlist promotion that covers art size. We also explain whether you can use a playlist cover maker to automatically create them.

Make a Spotify playlist cover using a Spotify Cover Maker

First, if you are looking for a quick and simple solution, you can use the Spotify playlist cover creator at You can create something that looks really smart in just a few minutes.

Simply load the site and then follow these steps:

  1. Choose a background image from the Things tab to the left.
  2. Select a color scheme by clicking the Themes Tab.
  3. You can click the text box in the album preview window to type your playlist title.
  4. To fine-tune your design, use the text size or text-align buttons to the right.
  5. To finish, click the Download link.

This will download a 600×600 pixel image. It is the ideal size for a playlist picture. If you don’t feel like this is enough work, click the Random link to the right. This will cycle through a variety of randomly selected themes and images until one that you like is found. has limited functionality. The site’s roadmap indicates that exciting features will be added in the future. It is worth paying attention to though.

Spotify Playlist Cover Size and Other Information

It’s simple to create your own Spotify playlist cover.

It doesn’t take a Photoshop pro to use this tool. You can use any basic graphics program that allows you to place text on images and do some cropping. Canva is one of the most popular free graphic design apps. It works in all web browsers and comes with a pre-made Album Cover template you can use to get going.

When creating your playlist image, there are some rules that you should follow:

  • The image must be square. It will crop to the square after you upload it.
  • The maximum file size is 4MB You will need to either re-save the file while decreasing the quality or reduce the dimensions.
  • A minimum Spotify playlist picture size of 300×300 pixels is acceptable. To ensure that the image does not lose quality on high-resolution displays, it’s better to go larger than this. There is no limit to the size of a playlist picture. Keep it under 4 MB.
  • A JPEG file is required. This allows for things like transparency or animation to be included.
  • Enter a title. There are 100 characters. Keep it brief and simple so that people can search for it. Be literal. Tell people exactly what you’re getting.
  • Add a description. It can be as long as 300 characters in one paragraph or plain text. HTML and line breaks are not acceptable.

How to design your own Spotify cover art

Playlist artwork should be clear at all sizes. This can be anywhere from a large image on the desktop to a small thumbnail on your smartphone.

Simplicity is key here: Your image should not be too busy and text shouldn’t have more than three to four words printed in a legible font. has hundreds of examples. You can quickly see what works and what doesn’t by simply scanning the page.

Step 1: Choose a Color Scheme

Your color scheme will depend on the image you use. However, you can take this into consideration when choosing one.

Spotify uses a dark color scheme. Your artwork should not blend in with the background. You want it to be distinctive. This can be achieved by using lighter or more vibrant colors.

Step 2: Select an image

Your image will be the main focus of your artwork. Images with a strong focal point and lots of negative space around it are more likely to be successful.

You must have permission to use the image you choose to keep within the rules. Instead of grabbing images from Google Images, you can use one of these free stock image websites.

Find an image that best represents the playlist. Your “50 Best Summer Anthems” playlist may include a photo of a beach. “80 Hits of the 80’s”, on the other hand, could feature a Walkman.

It’s fine to be literal. A person will spend less than a second looking at each piece if they are scanning through search results pages. It’s important to grab their attention immediately.

A minimalist image is more likely to be successful. It will be difficult to read at smaller sizes if the image is too busy. It will also be difficult to read text if it is placed on top of a background that is detailed.

Of course, you don’t need to use any photos. You can use abstract artwork, or even a plain background color to make your message stand out.

Step 3: Select a Font

Font selection is an art in and of itself. You can choose one of these fonts by focusing on two priorities.

  • It should read well in all sizes. Highly stylized fonts and script fonts can make it difficult to read, especially at smaller sizes. Also, thin or light fonts lack contrast which can impact their readability.
  • Choose a font that best reflects your playlist’s content.

Fonts can be found in many other places than the ones that come with your operating system. These websites offer free fonts.

Keep it simple if in doubt. Avenir and Helvetica fonts are great all-rounders. Impact fonts can be a little louder, while script fonts can be more fun.

Limit the words and choose a color that is brighter than the background.

Create a brand

Do you have a lot of playlists that you would like to share? You can use your artwork to build your brand. Indiemono can be used as a good example of a playlist curator.

You don’t need to be a great music curator. But you must present your playlists in a way that is appealing. Try out a variety of playlist artworks, and then, once you have found one that you like, make it a template.

You can use the same type of image and font style, or even your own logo, to make your user page look professional. Your user page will soon look professional.

How to upload your Playlist artwork

Now that you have your playlist artwork created and uploaded, it is time to upload it. You can upload your playlist artwork in Spotify’s desktop app at the moment. Mobile is not supported.

It’s easy. Click the default artwork already added to your playlist. Next, enter the Title and description. Click Choose Image to select the file from the location you have saved it.

The artwork can be removed or changed at any time.

How to share your Spotify playlists

You must also share your playlist. Spotify offers a number of options to share your playlists.

  • Copy the link to a playlist: This gives you a link you can email or use in a messaging app. The link opens in your web browser.
  • Copy Spotify URL: Shareable link that opens in the Spotify app when clicked (assuming the recipient has it installed). To see this setting, press the Alt key for Windows or the Options button on Mac.
  • Embed playlist This HTML code snippet allows you to embed your playlist on your website. You can adjust the size and color.
  • Share: With the mobile app you can share your playlists quickly on your social media accounts.

You can also create playlists that can be shared with others.

Create a Spotify Playlist cover and share your Playlist

You can also share your playlists online from other places. lets you upload your playlists and they can be seen by millions. You can also check out the various Reddit music communities and the Spotify subreddit.


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