What is Twitch? How To Delete Clips on Twitch

Twitch is a live streaming service where you can watch, stream and chat with people from around the world while playing games.

You can watch other people’s channels by browsing channels or searching for a specific channel.

You can also host your own channel if you have a twitch account.

In order to become a partner on Twitch, there are some requirements:   

You need to have an average of three hours of broadcasting per week;

Your broadcasts should be scheduled and start at least five minutes apart;

Your broadcast-quality needs to be 1080p and 30fps;

Your maximum bitrate needs must be 3500kb/s.

You cannot monetize videos that contain copyrighted content such as music or game footage.

Monetization on Twitch

If you are a regular Twitch broadcaster and meet the requirements, you may be eligible to monetize your videos through ads. Monetizing your content allows you to make a profit from your broadcasts.

There are three ways that you can monetize your videos on Twitch:

  1. Banner ads: These are small rectangular ads that appear at the bottom of your video.
  2. Overlay ads: These are transparent banner ads that appear over your video.
  3. Sponsorships: You can partner with a sponsor and receive money in exchange for promoting their product or brand.

Benefits of Using Twitch:

  1. There are no restrictions on the content you can broadcast, so you can play any game you like.
  2. You can connect with viewers from all over the world and make new friends.
  3. Monetizing your content allows you to make a profit from your broadcasts.

How to Delete Clips on Twitch:

There are several ways of deleting the clips on twitch. The famous ways are mentioned below.

1 – Through the twitch website

Go to your channel page on Twitch. On the right side of the screen, you will see a list of videos that have been made public. Right-click on “Clips” and select “Delete.” You can also select all clips at once if you want to delete every clip that has been made public.

2 –  Delete the video through its URL

Go to the video’s URL on your browser after clicking it from Twitch. Remove “-1” at the end of the video’s URL and make sure there is no space between dot (.) and number 1. Then refresh your browser or press the F5 button for this change to take effect. Now you are done deleting the video without having any impact on other videos.

 3 – Delete a video through its ID

You can delete a video in Twitch by going into that specific video’s page and then clicking the icon above the chatbox.

This will open up all the data of that specific video including its ID. You just need to copy the number after “v=” which is highlighted in red in the image below and paste it on your browser along with “-rf” (without quotes) at the start of the URL. By doing so, you are forcing twitch to download this clip instead of showing it live or cached on their site. If you refresh your page, you will see no video is loaded because Twitch did not find its ID therefore cannot display anything for this clip

4 – Uploading a video through the Twitch website

You can upload your own clips to your channel using the twitch website. Click on the “Upload” button which is next to the profile picture. A new menu will open where you can search for video files on your computer and select one of them to upload it.

5 – Uploading a video while playing a game (Twitch app)

If you are streaming with the twitch application while playing games, you might have noticed that there is an option of uploading videos along with regular broadcasts on the twitch app. This way you can record clips while broadcasting on twitch without stopping the game or anything else. It records everything in the background then puts all recorded videos into a chosen folder (where twitch automatically saves these clips). To do this, just click on the upload icon while streaming. It will record all your clips automatically and once you stop the stream, it brings up a menu where you can select how much time you would like to keep these files before deleting them or uploading everything onto the twitch website.

  • Step 1: Sign in to your Twitch account at http://www.twitch.tv
  • Step 2: Click on the Settings cog in the top right corner of your screen
  • Step 3: Select “Channel & Videos” from the sidebar, then click “Backup”

Frequently Asked Questions:

1 – How much money can I make from streaming on Twitch?

It depends on a variety of factors, such as the size of your audience and what type of content you’re broadcasting. You can make anywhere from a few cents to a few hundred dollars per hour.

2 – Can I stream copyrighted content?

No, you cannot stream copyrighted content without the appropriate permissions.

3 – What software do I need to stream on Twitch?

In order to broadcast on Twitch, you will need:

  1. A PC or Mac with at least an Intel Core i5 processor
  2. At least 4GB of RAM
  3. Windows 7 or higher OR Mac OS X 10.9 or higher
  4. The latest version of Adobe Flash Player installed
  5. The latest version of the Twitch desktop app installed

4 – Can I stream games on Twitch that I don’t own?

Yes, as long as you have the appropriate permissions from the game publisher.

5 – Can I delete clips that I’ve uploaded to my Twitch channel?

Yes, you can delete clips by following one of these methods:

– Deleting videos through their URLs

– Deleting videos through their IDs

– Deleting videos through the Twitch website

– Deleting videos while playing games (Twitch app)


The main motive of this article is to educate gamers who want to start doing live streaming on Twitch with their own recordable videos. If you follow all these steps carefully, it will become very easy for you to do so. I hope this tutorial was helpful in understanding the process of recording and streaming games on Twitch without any errors along the way. Let me know if you have any questions or doubts in the comments section below.

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