Top Facebook Marketplace Scams – How to Avoid Them

Many people are looking for ways to save money and buy second-hand goods online.

Fake advertising is a serious problem. Fake buyers? Fake advertising on Facebook Marketplace could expose you to both.

The Facebook Marketplace is a great place to find everything at a fair price.

Parties meet up in person to inspect products, then they pay cash or use apps like PayPal to make payments. You can arrange for someone to ship the item to you.

Can I shop on Facebook Marketplace?

Many have found Facebook Marketplace to be a very successful way to sell or buy locally. However, not all exchanges are trustworthy. Facebook Marketplace is more vulnerable to fraud than traditional retail.

These risks are often avoidable. Find out how to spot scams in Facebook Marketplace and learn how to practice safe online shipping.

Facebook Marketplace Scams: Watch out

You may encounter the heaviest scams on the Facebook marketplace. Be aware of these scams:

1. Defective Items

It can sometimes be hard to tell if something has been damaged in electronics. Some people turn to secondhand shops when their products reach the end of their useful lives.

Potential buyers might notice broken screens or missing buttons. However, problems with slow-functioning hardware and software may not be apparent until too late. Sellers can put up an item for sale and then let it go once someone has purchased it.

2. Bootleg Items

Another common scam is selling knockoffs or bootleg products. This Facebook Marketplace scam is most popular for luxury accessories.

It is easy to make mistakes when you don’t have the right experience.

3. Stolen Goods

It’s possible for an item to be described incorrectly. You can sell stolen products online for quick cash.

Even though you may not believe you stole the item, it doesn’t mean that you won’t face problems if someone else does. Always ask for receipts or other proof to prove authenticity.

4. Robbery

These examples assume the item is available for purchase. Facebook users will openly try to rob you.

It’s not necessary to be concerned about receiving a fake item. Scammers may offer you an item, but you don’t get money or a bounced check.

Sometimes when you pay someone, they wait until the item arrives or pick it up, then report it as fraud. Banks may reverse the charges and take your money.

5. Phishing Scams

Sometimes, the victim isn’t willing to pay anything. Phishing is a technique that tricks you into sharing sensitive information that can be exploited later.

Scammers might gain access to information buyers (or sellers?) may not be aware of. Even if you do not exchange any physical items, you could still be at risk.

How to Avoid Facebook Marketplace Scams

Although some Facebook Marketplace scams are more complex than others, you can still reduce your risk and protect yourself or your items.

Check out the product

Come in person to see the product before buying it.

Meet in Public Places

Don’t meet at home, instead look for public places to meet up.

See User Ratings

User ratings should be used as a guideline.

Avoid suspicious posts

You can get something too good to believe if you are extremely poor.

Use trusted payment methods

It’s a smart idea to use secure payment methods such as PayPal if the transaction fails.

Ship before payment

PayPal warns you against shipping items before you have made payment. PayPal cannot refund your money if you ship an item prior to payment.

Keep evidence

Keep any documentation regarding the item, including any message logs, and any receipts for shipment.

Facebook Marketplace safe to use?

Facebook Marketplace has many amazing features. There is always risk, but you can avoid scams by being aware of scams and shopping safely online.


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