LED vs QLED vs OLED TVs, What’s the Difference?

You’ve likely heard terms such as OLED, QLED, and LED when you were looking for a new TV. There are many types of TV displays and each one has a different effect on the quality of movies and TV shows. This article will explain the differences between OLED and QLED TVs. It will also tell you which one offers the best light, color, and contrast.

What is an LCD TV?

The liquid crystal display that controls light is what gives an LCD TV its name. An LCD TV has a backlight, which is a light source located at the back. There are several filters located in front of the backlight that regulates how much light is passed through and what color each pixel should have.

What is an LED TV?

An LED TV (light-emitting device) is technically an LCD TV. However, it uses LED lights instead of fluorescent tubes as its backlight. These TVs have a smaller LED light source, which makes them thinner and more energy-efficient. They also offer better contrast than older LCD TVs.

It is important to remember that different types of LED backlighting can also impact the TV’s image quality. Full-array TVs use a grid of LED lights, while edge-lit TVs are equipped with LEDs on one or more sides. These TVs can wash out large areas of the image.

Full-array local dimming is a new technology used in LED TVs. This divides backlights into zones that can each be controlled separately. This allows for the dark areas of the image to remain dark while the lighter parts can be controlled individually. The better the contrast, the more local dimming zones that a TV has.

What is a Mini-LED TV?

A mini-LED TV works just like other LED TVs, but it uses smaller LEDs to increase the brightness and contrast. Mini-LED TVs can be thinner and lighter than regular LED TVs because the backlights used are smaller.

Micro-LED TVs are now available, with each LED backlight being as small as one pixel. These TVs are expensive and still relatively new.

What is a QLED TV?

QLED TVs are LED TV that has a quantum-dot panel between the backlight of the LCD panel and the backlight. These quantum dots produce brighter colors than traditional LED TVs because they are more saturated with light.

What is an OLED TV?

OLED TVs are very different than older LED TVs. They don’t have a backlight. OLED TVs instead have millions of self-lighting pixels, which can be individually turned on or off.

Compare LED vs. QLED vs OLED

OLED TVs can be controlled independently of any backlight unlike LED TVs. An OLED TV can turn off all dark areas of a screen and produce blacks that are “pure”. Light won’t “bleed” from the brightest parts onto the darker ones.

The contrast ratio is the difference in the brightness of the darker parts and the lighter parts of an image. OLED TVs are capable of displaying perfect blacks. This means that you will be able to see more detail in the image. High contrast ratios make colors more vivid and precise, while low contrast ratios can make images look dull and gray.

Both QLED and LED TVs use a backlight. This means that filters cannot block 100% of the light and both TVs have a low contrast ratio. Mini-LED TVs may have a better contrast ratio if they are equipped with full-array local dimming.

Our best picture settings guide for your TV will help you improve the contrast.

Brightness: QLED vs OLED

OLED TVs are twice as bright as LED TVs because they use backlights. A QLED TV will be brighter than regular LED TVs, but it has a quantum dot filter that will increase the color light output.

The brightness of TVs is measured in “nits”. OLED TVs have a peak brightness of around 500-800nits while LED TVs can reach 1,000-2,000nits. This means that LED TVs can handle HDR (high dynamic range) content better, which improves color and contrast.

Our guide explains the HDR and its functions.

OLED TVs are brighter than LED TVs so they’re a better choice for rooms that have a lot of natural light. OLED TVs are still a better option if you want to make a home theatre in a dark space.

Color: OLED vs. QLED vs. LED

Because they can be brighter than OLED TVs, QLED TVs have a wider color range. Quantum-dot technology allows QLED TVs to display more colors than regular LED TVs.

Samsung actually claims it launched the first QLED TV with a 100% color volume in 2017!

OLED TVs are capable of displaying a wide variety of colors but they cannot display bright colors with HDR content.

Winner: QLED

Response time: QLED vs OLED

Televisions that have a quick response time will show less blurry when you watch sports and action scenes. OLED TVs are able to change every pixel in a screen almost instantly, so they will always have a better response time than LED TVs.


OLED vs QLED: Viewing Angle

It is important to consider the TV’s viewing angle if you have many people looking at your TV simultaneously. OLED TVs emit light in all directions so they can deliver more color and light than LED TVs if viewed from an angle.


Image retention

Image retention is one of the major drawbacks of OLED TVs. This means that static images, such as logos from news channels, can “burn” onto the OLED TV over time, leaving behind a ghostly mark.

Image retention isn’t an issue unless you are watching the same programs repeatedly or if you leave the TV on pause long enough. An LED TV is a better option if you’re concerned about image retention and want to avoid it.

Winner – QLED / LED

Cost of LED vs. QLED vs OLED

OLED TVs are the most expensive but offer the best picture quality. Although they are more expensive than LED TVs in general, QLED TVs offer the best value for money.

Winners: LED / QLED

Our guide on when is the best time to buy a TV will help you find the best deal.

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