Cyber Threat Latest Computer Virus In 2022

If you make use of the internet for any of your devices, you’re vulnerable to cyber attacks. It’s not restricted to a handful of areas in the present, as it finds it possible to damage your device and your data in various forms. Malware has been an incredibly serious problem for computers for many years, but advances in technology have made it easier to detect. Every year, there are more than thirty billion of the most dangerous and lethal computer viruses are snuffed out, yet each day a new computer virus is discovered. It is imperative to ensure that your devices and data are safe with the most effective prevention strategies. Utilizing an antivirus on your PC will allow you to ensure your privacy and protect your information. In this blog, we’ll inform you about the latest computer viruses and ways you can protect yourself from them.

Preventive Measures to Stay Secure From A Computer Virus Attack!

The most obvious solution to this is to make use of an up-to-date and the most reliable antivirus which is able to detect the most recent computer viruses. Additionally, the use of the Data recovery wizard tool such as EaseUS is highly advised. It helps to recover deleted files that were deleted by computer viruses An example was discovered at the time of the WannaCary attack. Users of EaseUS could recover files even after their systems were targeted. Therefore, we suggest using it together with the most effective anti-malware program.

1. PseudoManuscrypt Malware The most notorious malware of 2021

The malware was discovered in the report of Kaspersky on January 20, 2021. PseudoManyscrypt can be described as a botnet that spreads through fake software installers as well as cracks for applications that are promoted on various websites. The pirated installers are mainly specific to ICS, but there are also different malware varieties. This is not all, however, PseudoManuscrypt can also be installed via the notorious Glupteba botnet, which is known for taking cookie credentials, user credentials, and mining cryptocurrency on affected hosts, operating and deploying proxy software, and many more. It was able to infect around 3500 systems across 195 nations that belonged to Russia (10.1 percent), India (10%), and Brazil (9.3 93%).

In addition to ICS, Other lures that are used to spread malware are pirated or cracked editions that include Call of Duty, Windows 10, Microsoft Office, Adobe tools, and Kaspersky’s antivirus.

After installation, PseudoManuscrypt allows the attackers to gain complete control over the affected system. This includes removing antivirus and recording keystrokes, taking images, stealing VPN information, extracting information from clipboards, and many more. There are a hundred variants of the loader PseudoManuscrypt have been discovered. To transfer data to command and control (C2) servers it makes use of code that is written in Chinese.

2. News Malware Alerts (Fake Coronavirus Mails)

In the present hackers are making use of global news stories and events to attack individuals by launching phishing attacks, and spreading malware. For example, cybercriminals send emails that claim to have been distributed from the official WHO and provide advice to the user to protect themselves from a virus that is endemic to Coronavirus.

People who believe in these emails are prone to these tricks. So, if you get emails claiming to be in the name of WHO or a vaccine for coronavirus, or tips to combat COVID-19, don’t believe the messages. They are designed to introduce the Emotet virus into your device.

3. Clop Ransomware

As a member of the famous Cryptomix Ransomware family, Clop is growing in popularity and causing greater damage like never before. There are many variants from Clop and their main objective is to secure the entire enterprise’s files and then demand massive ransom payments to unlock the affected files. Clop Ransomware typically targets Windows users.

For example, A dangerous file-encrypting virus that has the capacity to prevent the security of your system that encrypts the saved files. It does this by planting an.CLOP extension files. Once it is in your system, it utilizes AES Cipher to secure your files. For instance: picture.jpg is changed to picture.jpg.clop.

4. Social Engineering & Cryptocurrency

The attacks that employ social engineering techniques are targeted to specifically target human characteristics. For example, A new Android banking trojan named Gustuff is growing in popularity. The malware is targeted at cryptocurrency applications, banks that are well-known such as Bank of America, Bank of Scotland, and others.

This is not all, Sim switching attacks increasing in 2022. Because of the clever use of social engineering criminal actors can gain control of access to the SIM cards of their victim, and then trick the mobile provider into thinking that it is actually the customer who is using the device. Once hackers have access, they can use victims’ social media profiles as well as cryptocurrency wallets to gain access for their own.

5. Artificial Intelligence the New Beneficiary for Hackers

With the increasing quantity of AI devices, hackers are also attracted to it. They use it to develop new computer viruses and then inject them into victims’ computers without knowledge. For example, The malicious computer virus is clever enough to know how to attack your devices. AI-enabled malware has the ability to bypass nearly all types of authentication techniques and remains in the dark.

In the present, hackers are getting more technologically advanced so to remain safe from viruses it is essential to keep excellent digital hygiene. Organizations should begin using AI-enabled security to defend against AI-enabled attacks.

6. IoT Malware Attacks

In recent times, IoT has gained popularity due to its simplicity of use, however, due to its absence of built-in firewalls, it’s subject to controversy. A majority of IoT devices don’t offer an option to alter their default user name, making them a top target for hackers. For example: Lately, over 75 percent of healthcare organizations are affected by a variety of TCP/IP-related vulnerabilities as well as security threats to IT, OT, IoT, and IoMT devices. The successful execution resulted in remote code execution that allowed malicious actors to gain full control of devices.

In the wake of this 217.5 percent growth is observed in attacks on Internet of Things devices. So, if you’ve got plans to purchase an IoT device, we recommend looking for security precautions. Most security risks that affect IoT devices include leaks, hijacking, or home intrusions.

7. CDPwn (Added in February 2022)

Security Threats for Tens of Millions of Network Devices

Do not overlook this, five highly-rated Cisco vulnerabilities are classified as CDPwn. If exploited by an attacker, these remote codes as well as one denial service can permit attackers to gain total control over all Cisco devices.

For example, These vulnerabilities are named CVE-2020-3119, which is a stack overflow vulnerability, CVE-2020-3118 a vulnerability in the format string CVE-2020-3111 is a vulnerability that causes stack overflows in the parsing function, CVE-2030-3110 is an exploitable heap overflow vulnerability on Cisco’s Cisco 8000 8000 series IP camera, and CVE-2020-3120 is the denial-of-service vulnerability.

8. Zeus Gameover

Gameover is the most recent computer virus that belongs to the Zeus Family. The threat is malicious and targets your device with the purpose to gain access to your bank account information and then steal your entire bank account.

For example, Zeus Gameover is one of the most dangerous computer viruses that definitely does not require a central Command & Control server to infuse malicious material, gain access, or transfer funds, like other security threats of the same type. It is a standalone server and gains access to the private and sensitive information of the victims.

9. Cryptojacking

With the significant rise in the worth of cryptocurrency over the last few years, it’s totally wrong to suggest that 2022 is on track to become the year of crypto-jacking. Because the threat to security is often not reported It isn’t easy to determine the exact targeting methods used to exploit the devices of the victims.

For example, Cryptojacking software is planted on the device of the user to do data extraction and skimming credit cards, keylogging, and much more.


10. Rise of Cyborg Ransomware

PC Cyborg, also known as (AIDS) Aids Info Disk Trojan is the very first ransomware that was introduced using the use of a floppy disk. This is why it’s named AIDS. The trojan horse virus replaces AUTOEXEC.BAT which is used to count the number of times computers are started. documented. In the year 2020, a variant of this ransomware dubbed Cyborg was discovered in an untrue Windows October November 10 update.

For example, Bad actors deploy a combination of bots and farms to successfully carry out cyber-attacks using cyborgs. There was an increase of 36% in these kinds of attacks between Q4 2020 and Q1 2021.

11. Fleeceware

This is yet another major security threat you need to be aware in 2021. It’s a scam that is disguised as sheep’s clothes, in which shrewd developers demand huge amounts for basic software. For example, Fleeceware is certainly tricky since there’s no malicious code included in the apps. They do not steal your personal data or attempt to access your device.

However, Fleeceware simply hinges on apps that come with a trial period of no-cost however, it comes with hidden subscription charges. For instance, an alarm clock app is priced at only $12 per week. Similarly, the photo editing application that’s $30 per month would be considered to be fleeceware. You can even be charged after you have uninstalled the app!

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