Top Best Phone Usage Tracker Apps In 2022

Like coins, has two sides. While we tend to concentrate on its positive aspects we tend to overlook its negative aspects. Although Facebook, Twitter, and other games apps for phones can help us to connect to entertain, connect, and keep updated, we lose the track of time and attention when we are in real life. Many people work looking at their screens and, consequently, not just distracting themselves from their work but also causing damage to their eyes.

This is the reason we require applications that monitor phone use. There are many apps that allow you to limit your use of phones. To help you select the most suitable, we’ve created the top phone tracking apps that track Android use and help manage time effectively. They also function to function as an Android screen timer.

1. Social Fever

Social Fever is the most efficient application to keep track of the time spent on your mobile. It’s true, your first move when you wake up is to check your phone’s screen to see if you have notifications, or chat with your friends. In addition, throughout the day, you’re spending a lot of time looking at feeds from social media websites or surfing things. By using Social Fever, you can distinguish between the real and virtual worlds and track the time you spend using the phone. You can receive daily reports on the amount of time you spend on the phone.

The user-friendly and simple interface lets you keep track of the number of times you open the phone, and it also tracks the use of apps on the phone. It sends you alerts to monitor your health, such as excessive use of earphones, screen time as well as water-related reminders. It’s lightweight and uses less battery. Its Quality Time feature enables you to create an activity that will put your phone in DND mode for the specified time. It’s available on the latest version of Android OS as well.


  • Water reminders.
  • Automatic DND mode to support Quality Time activities.
  • Absolutely completely free.


  • It could be useful to have a feature that allows you to prevent apps from being locked at present.

2. My Addictiometer

MyAddictiometer It is an app for monitoring your phone which helps you keep track of time spent on your phone. It’s a useful tool for determining the amount of time you spend using your phone. It assists you in overcoming the problem of mobile addiction. The data gathered through the app will assist in determining the degree of addiction. It also informs the user how often the phone is unlocked. It also lists which days during the month you use phones the most. It also provides the amount of time you spend using your mobile phone in a single day.


  • Provides complete usage reports.
  • See a graphic representation of your phone’s usage.


  • No recent updates.

3. OffTime

OffTime is an application that helps you monitor the time you’ve spent on your phone. It allows you to disconnect and concentrate on your work. It allows you to create profiles that can block text messages, calls, and notifications. You can also limit the app’s usage to limit the use of your phone. You can also send customized texts when calls are blocked, to inform your family members. You can obtain a thorough analysis of your phone’s use, as well as an analysis of the apps that are being used the most. Additionally, it will send you an alert if you go over the limit set by the app.


  • Locks can be set to occur periodically or at certain times.
  • Groups apps for tracking the user.
  • Social media, different profiles, and games.


  • The Premium version comes with additional features.

4. QualityTime

QualityTime is among the most effective apps to monitor the usage of phones effortlessly. It gives real-time data, which reveals the amount of time you’ve spent staring at the phone. It provides a thorough review of all usage, screen unlocks, and much more. It also provides daily, hourly, as well as weekly, reports. It also helps to create usage alerts to remind you when you’ve gone overboard in your smartphone usage. With the ‘Take a Break and Scheduled Break’ option, you can decide to block notifications and block calls from incoming calls.

You can also block some individuals from calling by placing them on the whitelist of contacts. The program has a missed alert center that will notify you of all calls and notifications which you missed during these break times.


  • Easy to set an app use limit.
  • Shows each day’s report.
  • Create daily alerts to your preferences.


  • In-app ads could be distracting.

5. SPACE – Break Phone Addiction

SPACE is a phone-monitoring application that will let you be aware of how much you are addicted to your phone and other apps. It has a user-friendly and easy-to-use interface that helps reduce phone use. By using tools such as the ability to dim your screen, a notification blocker, and SPACE-time, users can track and manage their usage using your phone. It is possible to customize the program to suit your personal habits as well as your needs and use. It can also help you strike the right balance between your real and the virtual. Monitoring features for usage help you study the patterns of phone use.


  • Whitelisting applications.
  • Reminders on a regular basis to reduce the urge to drink.
  • Keep track of your progress with family and friends.


  • The free version has limited features. version.

6. AppUsage

One of the most efficient ways to monitor the time you spend on your phone is through the app usage. It reminds you every time you open the phone or app for a long period of duration. It provides a daily number of times users checked their phone and the activity history of the phone on a bar chart or calendar chart view. It also shows you the most frequently used apps for widgets and notifications centers, making it simple to access them. It tracks the number of installs and uninstalls that occur from your phone. It also alerts you to apps that aren’t frequently used, which frees up space. It monitors the usage history and activity and then provides details of the results.


  • Displays the history of activity.
  • The usage of apps is displayed by category.
  • Apps that list location-based apps.


  • Paid features.

7. App Detox

AppDetox is among the most effective apps to assist in limiting the use of phones and cleanse your phone addiction. You can alter the way you’d like to track and restrict your phone use using the application. It assists you in maintaining the balance between the digital and the real world. Each time you exceed the limit it alerts you and prevents you from using too much. You can restrict certain apps so that you use less time using your mobile. You can also secure your apps with the built-in lock, called the App Detox Locker. Parents can also utilize this app to regulate the time they spend on their screens for their children.


  • Secure your rules using an encryption code.
  • The ability to customize notifications.
  • Discover the app’s usage independently.


  • There are no health-related reminders

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