How to Watch Instagram Stories Anonymously

Instagram Stories allows users to share their current activities, and Story posters can view who has viewed them. You can view an individual’s Instagram Story if they give you access.

You might not wish your name to appear in the list of viewers for any reason. Here are some practical ways you can view Instagram Stories anonymously.

Unidentified Instagram Stories Available with Airplane Mode

Users can instantly view the top Stories by opening the app. You can preload the Story for a specific user by opening their profile.

To play the Story, switch to airplane mode on your phone and click their profile photo. You can view the Story without an internet connection. However, it won’t update your name. The views may update once your phone is connected to the internet.

It is possible to lose connection halfway through watching Stories. Instagram may not be able to preload all Stories, especially if there is more than one.

You can watch stories without the user knowing by using another Instagram account

Using another account is the best way to view and screenshot Instagram Stories. The user won’t be able to recognize the account if they don’t recognize it.

If the account is public, it is possible to view Stories from another ID. If the account is private, you will need to follow them in order to gain access.

Instagram (IG) Story Viewer Apps

Over the last few years, social media stories have grown in popularity. Many third-party apps allow anonymous viewing of stories thanks to this popularity. You are at risk of security threats if they have access to your data.

These apps include:

  • BlindStory Android or iPhone (free in-app purchases)
  • Instastory Stalker available for Android (free in-app purchases)

These apps allow you to only view stories from public accounts. While most Android versions are free, there are in-app payments for iPhones that allow you to view Instagram Stories anonymously.

An IG Story viewer can be used to view and download public Stories. Some versions include a profile picture downloading tool.

Keep Things Secretive and Anonymous

Instagram has the Story feature. However, sometimes people don’t wish to see their names on the viewers’ list.

We have discussed three methods to view Instagram Stories anonymously in the guide. These methods allow you to view IG Stories anonymously. Depending on how comfortable you are with the method and your trust in it, which method you choose will determine what method to use.

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