Everything You Need to Know About National radiologic technology week

This week, from 7 to 13 November 2021, is National radiologic technology week! This special week is known as R.T Week and is celebrated yearly by those who work in the various fields of diagnostics and imaging.

What does this mean for you? Well, if you’re a patient it means that you’re more likely to see an RT at your doctor’s office or hospital this week than any other time of year. Not only that, but they might be wearing a special sticker or lanyard to help promote the festivities! If its your job to dress up then wear whatever makes you feel comfortable- just remember subtext within subtext doesn’t count as dressing up 😉

Where did radiologic technologists get their name?

In 1935, a group of five medical students at the Northwestern University Medical School in Chicago all shared a love for imaging and decided to create a student club. By 1937 they had 4 more members and renamed themselves the Spartan Radiologic Technologists. In 1984, the organization changed its name to National Society of Radiologic technologists to better reflect not only their purpose but what was going on within the profession at that time.

How to Observe National Radiologic Technology Week?

Not everyone may be observant to the goings on of this week, but that doesn’t mean you can’t still celebrate. Why not take a moment to thank your RT or maybe learn more about their job? You could even strike up a conversation with an RT and ask them for some information about how they work- though be aware most people consider going to school for at least 2 years before entering the field, so if a patient seems too knowledgeable, a little fact checking is probably necessary!

When you see someone with a special R.T Week lanyard on their badge, express your gratitude. Those who wear those lanyards usually do it as a sign of pride in what they do and promoting education around medical imaging! National radiologic technologists week is an excellent time to celebrate the work of radiologic technologists around the world.

How do radiologic technologists work with patients?

Radiologic technologists provide imaging for clinicians who are looking at how the inside of someone’s body functions. They take images like x-rays, ultrasounds, CT scans, MRIs and PET Scans among others with special equipment that helps them see better into the human body. When they’re not working on helping figure out what’s wrong with a patient or if they’ve received an injury or illness that needs further care, you might find them scanning items in their home like old family photos or art collections! Not all RTs scan humans, some specialize in mammals while others specialize in medical imaging.

What is the educational and professional background needed to become a radiologic technologist?

There are many pathways one can take to enter into the field of RTs though people usually go through at least 2 years of college or university before they can enroll in an accredited program. Most training takes about 18 months and upon completion, students will be able to find jobs as imaging technicians, assistants or even lead imaging technicians depending on their experience and knowledge level.

How important is continuing education for radiologic technologists?

Radiological technologists need to stay current on new equipment that may become available as well as maintain the certifications they receive early on in their careers. Plus, staying up-to-date with advances in the field like robotics, 3D imaging and minimally invasive surgery will allow RTs to provide their patients with the best care possible.

What types of decisions do radiologic technologists make?

Radiologic technologists work closely with physicians and other members of the medical team to help them diagnose what may be wrong with a patient. They also provide important information about injuries or illnesses that might need further clarification or clarification through additional testing. The role RTs play is crucial in helping clinicians make better decisions for their patients!

How does someone become an Orthopedic Radiologic Technologist?

There are many ways to become an Orthopedic Radiologic Technologist (ORT). Some people go into school first which leads them into college or university where they can learn the basics of human anatomy and physiology. Afterwards, one will usually find them doing at least two years of paid training before they receive their ORT certification though it’s not required. An RT may specialize in many different areas like general imaging, musculoskeletal (MSK) imaging or even cardiac imaging.

How does someone become an Neuro-Radiologic Technologist?

Those who want to become neuro-radiologic technologists should be prepared for a longer education path than usual as these people are expected to know everything about the brain and how it functions among other things too! To do this job well, one might need knowledge about how nerves work which makes school more intense but totally worth it in the end.

What does an emergency radiologic technologist do?

Emergency radiologic technologists are responsible for imaging people who come in with trauma or injuries that need to be looked at immediately. These RTs will adjust their machines to get the best images of what is happening inside a patient’s body while also working alongside physicians and other medical personnel to figure out what might have happened to them! This job can be quite intense but it’s definitely worth it.

Where do radiologic technologists work?

You’ll find radiologic technologists pretty much anywhere senior health care providers practice especially if they have specialties like oncology, neurology, orthopedics or more. Radiologic technologists work everywhere from hospitals, private practices and even mobile clinics.

What is the salary of a radiologic technologist?

You’ll find that there are many salaries for different types of radiologic technologists depending on where they work and what type of environment they choose to be in. However, most imaging technicians make around $60,000 per year while lead imaging technicians make upwards of $80,000 – $90,000 annually.

Can women become radiologic technologists?

Yes! Women can enter this field no matter your gender which is fantastic! Women will often get more out of the experience than men because females tend to communicate better with healthcare providers though some people might argue with that statement.

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