7 Courses That Guarantee an Excellent Career

COVID-19 surely dropped a lot of reality bombs in terms of which careers or jobs would survive in the future. So, are you looking for prospective careers before applying to college?Or are you at a mid-level position in your career, petrified whether your job would become obsolete too? Or do you wish to switch to a different career that is more likely to survive in these modern times?

No matter what situation you are in, if you are determined to change the course of your career through a little bit of learning and effort, then you have landed at the right post. This article outlines all the valuable career optionsthat you can opt for and the courses you can take to acquire relevant skills before jumping off onto a new career path.

Even if you don’t want to enter the job market yet, but want an overview of the intended field, some of these short courses could be the perfect introductory lesson you need.

  • Computer Science

First and foremost is the exploding field is of computer science (CS). With the evolution of technology and its integration in almost every sector of the economy, there is an increased demand for programmers, AI, machine learning experts, and data scientists. In this field, adegree in computer science or one of its subfields like a Master’s in Cybersecurity from a renowned institution is preferred by recruiters. Today, you can also go for an online course for any of these degrees.

  • Beginner-Friendly Computer Science Course

If you are interested in exploring the field of computer science, then this might be right for you.This introductory course teaches the algorithmic logic behind programming and inculcates problem-solving skills necessary for programmers.

  • Data Science

In case you do have a CS background but want to upskill, try learning a different programing language like Python. It is considered the most in-demand language in 2022 because of its ease of learning and application in data science. Try this introductory Python course if you are interested in navigating through the world of data with programming.

  • Digital Marketing

If you are not the type of person who can sit in front of a screen and do coding for hours, and your creative instincts are more apparent, then maybe you can explore the field of digital marketing.

With the boom in e-commerce since the pandemic struck, there has been an increase in demand for marketing specialists for the digital world. If you write well, can do a bit of graphic designing, or are good at understanding what drives a person to make a buying decision, then marketing would be your call.To start in this field, an introductory course in marketing would be best. You can also check out Google Digital Garage, they not only have a ton of free courses, but the credibility of Google just adds the bonus to these courses.

  • Social Media Strategy

Maybe it’s time for you to ditch that 9-to-5 and start your blog or help manage a busy influencer’s social media page. Check out a course on learning how to create a social media strategy for small businesses. The best part about such a career is the flexibility of working from anywhere in the field, and the advancement of the gig economy has certainly made that possible.

  • SEO and Google Analytics

Maybe you are someone with a ton of traditional marketing experience and knowledge, and to meet the demands of an increasingly tech-driven world, you want to shift gears and get started on digital marketing and analytics.

Apart from introductory-level courses, you can also take a course in Google Analytics to understand how to analyze a website’s performance for better sales. Ifyou are more interested in learning how Google ranks websites, then a course in search engine optimization (SEO) would be the right one for you.

  • Soft-Skills

Apart from technical and hard skills, the changing global economy also calls for better communication, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. If you think that with just a little bit of guidance and help, you can nail that next presentation during the board meeting or want to get your name on the employee of the month list, then certain soft-skills courses would be right for you. From writing,strategic communication, and negotiation, there’s a course on these skills available easily today.

Although there are thousands of courses out there with something for everyone, the above-mentioned categories are the most in-demand today. We live in a world that is heavily dependent on technology, so a course on data analytics or social media marketing would be a good idea in this age.Even if you don’t think you need a course to enhance your technical skills, then brushing up on your writing or verbal communication skills might certainly benefit you in the long run.

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